Dr. James Vallerand

Dr. James Vallerand, Respirology 
University of Calgary

"Growing-up in Ottawa, I completed my Bachelor of Health Sciences and Masters Degree in Kinesiology at the University of Ottawa. I then moved to Edmonton to complete a PhD in Kinesiology at the University of Alberta before finally moving to Calgary for my MD, Internal Medicine and now Adult Respirology training at the University of Calgary. 

Beyond medicine, my wife (Steph) and I are proud parents to our handsome six-year-old rescue pup (Binx) and are absolute sport fanatics. Since the start of residency, I’ve become increasingly obsessed with trying to improve my golf game. I still maintain hope that this will translate into better scores on the course one day …” 

A colleague shared this about Dr. Vallerand:

"Fueled by an extraordinary devotion to patient care and an outstanding commitment to education, James encapsulates the quintessence of a well-rounded and empathetic resident physician.

In the realm of respirology, James consistently surpasses expectations, showcasing genuine empathy and unparalleled attentiveness. Commendably, he forges strong patient-physician bonds, significantly contributing to positive patient outcomes in respiratory health. Taking the extra step, he educates patients about their respiratory conditions and treatment options, empowering them to engage in their care journey actively.

When it comes to medical education, James emerges as a beacon of inspiration and mentorship. His enthusiasm for teaching shines through his interactive and comprehensive approach. Proactively sharing his clinical insights in respirology, he nurtures intellectual curiosity among junior residents and medical students, to not only develop clinical skills but also gain a profound understanding of patient-centered care.

Beyond his clinical and educational roles, James is also an avid golfer, and his passion for the sport adds a unique dimension to his well-rounded lifestyle. Unwavering in his resilience, he adeptly manages his workload while offering support to colleagues, caring for his dog, and spending time with his family and friends. His commitment to cultivating a positive work environment and prioritizing self-care, and finding solace on the golf course sets a motivating example for all.

In acknowledgment of his steadfast dedication to patient care, unwavering commitment to respirology education and advocacy for well-being, James undeniably merits the Resident Physician of the Month Award. The ripple effect of his positive influence resonates across the hospital, nurturing a culture characterized by excellence and compassion in respiratory health. I wholeheartedly support his nomination, believing that he embodies the epitome of a resident physician with the finest qualities."

Resident Physician of the Month

The Resident Physician of the Month Award is meant to recognize and reward outstanding resident physicians who make exceptional contributions in their academic field while still maintaining their work/life balance. 

Interested in nominating someone? Fill out the Resident Physician of the Month Award online form.

Informed, Empowered, Involved

Informed about our patients’ health and innovations in medicine. Empowered to create healthy professional working and learning environments. Involved in shaping the future of health care delivery in Alberta.