Thank you for all of the submissions! We have now reached our limit.


Samra - you are awesome and hard-working, always ready to help others. Keep it up!!
John, thanks for everything that you do in the community as well as in the hospital. You’ve covered my shifts and been such a great help all the time. And you’ve also never said no whenever I needed someone to debrief.
Dr. Clark, I am always in awe of your work ethic and incredible attitude in all areas of your life. You are an amazing resident who genuinely cares about your patients and provides the best care. You are also a devoted mom to your two girls - I have no idea how you do it all!!
Dr. Moorjani, thank you for being such a great senior resident. Your teaching sessions are phenomenal and I really appreciate that you took the time to give us one on one feedback.
Tania, I am so proud of watching you become the amazing family doctor you are! Your passion for woman’s care is an inspiration.
R2 is a really hard year. Thank you for all your hard work and enthusiasm during our call shifts, Imaan. Keep up your passion for learning and patient care!
Skye, you’re an absolutely beautiful soul and you’ve had such a positive impact on my journey. I’m grateful to have you as my co-resident and friend, it’s always so lively to work with you. Keep shining so bright
You’re beautiful inside and out and it’s been great working with you and getting to know you, I’m grateful to have you as a co resident and friend. Keep shining so bright, Preety!
Thanks for being an excellent lead resident, it’s always fun working with you and never a full moment!
I missed you at Academics this past weekend, hope you’re feeling better now, enjoy a warm PSL to enjoy the Fall!
Virginia, thank you for being such a phenomenal lead resident and friend. You’re beautiful inside and out and it’s been great working with you and getting to know you.
Camilla, I want to express my appreciation for your incredible leadership. Your ability to go above and beyond for fellow residents, always ensuring we have the support we need, exemplifies true leadership.
Grateful to have you as my co-resident and friend! I’m sorry your year started off how it did, but we’re all excited for you to be back and to have the gyne girl gang officially back together! Keep healing Queen!
Amanda, I want to express my appreciation for your incredible mentorship. Your guidance has not only shaped my professional growth but also instilled in me the importance of patient-centered care. The invaluable advice you’ve shared has inspired me to strive for excellence and compassion in my practice.
Dr. Hguig - Grateful to have you as my co-resident and friend! You’re absolutely rocking 2nd year, I can’t wait to work with you again!
Corin, you are absolutely crushing being a senior resident! Even on difficult night shifts you amaze me.
Hannah you are such a ray of sunshine! Thank you for being a great friend, it is inspiring to watch you care for your patients.
Sarah you’re crushing it as an R2! In awe of how well you handle being senior in difficult situations and you are such an inspiration to us R1s!!!
You’re an amazing resident and I’m so grateful our paths crossed. I would not have survived otherwise.
Thank you for always being there to listen on our bad days and cheer us on during our successes! We are lucky to have you as our lead resident :)
Gregory, thank you for being the most supportive co-resident! Grateful to have gotten to know you.
Quinn - Thanks for being such a fun and positive pal in our little pediatrics cohort! You are a super smart, kind and hard working co-resident!! Enjoy! :)
Dr. Tkachuk, you are killing the start of your GI fellowship! Thanks for keeping all of our positive vibes going strong!
Brianna, thank you for all your hard work and the support you give your patients and your co-residents!
Dr. Reich, woohoo! Crushing it. You’re hanging in there and your kind and generous demeanor do not go unrecognized! Keep at it. You’re nearly done :)
Dr. Robertson, woohoo! Congrats on your awesome fellowship!!! Thank you for all your support and the wellness you bring to our program. Keep up the great work!
Dearest Christine! Your positive vibes and supportive attitude are hugely appreciated. We are so proud of all the excellent research and teaching you do. You are an inspiration! Keep up the good work!
Nicole is always going above and beyond for her patients and colleagues. From working extra call, getting coffee for friends and colleagues and choosing more challenging selectives to ensure she trains to be the best physician she can be.
Isis, you are an absolute ray of sunshine. Your patients are so lucky to have you (and so is our program!!). Your work ethic is unparalleled and I know you are going to accomplish amazing things throughout residency.
Dr. Sivanand treats everyone with kindness and respect. She is very supportive of her co-residents.
Dr. Vu has been extremely busy lately with very hard rotations. He has continued to work very hard and thrive through it all! All while continuing to smile and make others laugh along the way!
Such a hard working cardiologist, loves to teach and loves to work! Never change!
Dr. Fredriksen is an excellent emerg resident! She always works extremely hard and is doing a great job!
Ryan - You are always a kind, fun and an awesome presence at academic full day! You are crushing it and we love having you in the program.
Andy, thank you for always being there for me even when you’re dealing with so much, and so busy at work. You’re forever an inspiration and I’m so grateful for our friendship.
Dr. Amatto is always extremely kind and hard working, always there to help out other learners!
Jules, you are an absolute ray of sunshine on every rotation you’re on. I know it’s been a busy stretch, but you’re forever an inspiration to everyone around you.
Dr. Jensen is exceptionally kind and motivated to help his peers in our dermatology residency program. He never ceases to impress us and we are so lucky to have him!
I know these last few months have felt like a marathon, but you’re crushing it. Your continued positivity and commitment to your patients, friends and work is truly inspiring.
I know Gen Surg is a brutal rotation but you are doing absolutely amazing. Your unwavering positivity is a light for your patients and continues to uplift and unite our entire residency program.
You are absolutely crushing your transition to senior block! You are always a rash of sunshine and take such good care of your patients, co-residents and friends. You rock, don’t ever change
Your positivity and fun nature always bringing your co-residents together to spend some quality time together does not go unnoticed!
Your unwavering positivity elevates our team spirit and inspires us to reach new heights together. Grateful to have such a motivating colleague like you!
Your dedication and positivity shine bright in our workplace, making each day better. Thank you for being a source of inspiration and joy to us all.
Stewart is a POCUS rockstar and outstanding doctor. It’s been so good getting to know him these last 2 years. Happy holidays and cheers to 7 months left of residency!
Matt, you’re awesome! You bring so much light and support to the patients you care for and the people you work with! I admire you so much for being so knowledgeable, cool, calm, and collected and for staying funny and human through this tough year. You rock!
Always working so hard, extremely supportive and a great friend! Best future ED doc I know!!
Nicole is one of the hardest working residents I know. She is so kind and knowledgeable and has made my residency experience so much better! Thanks for all of the AHD coffee breaks and I’m so grateful to be coresidents.
Robin! Deep in the thick of residency and while wading through some real challenges, you remain a great friend, physician, and mom. I am endlessly impressed by you and I am so grateful to have your support while navigating the ups and downs of medical training.
Syd you are such a thoughtful coresident and always checking in on everyone in our cohort-- somehow you have an innate sense of when we need a chat/coffee/hug/dinner. We love you! 5/5 for supportiveness, didn’t have to be there (but glad to be going through residency together!)
Tim, you are a lovely silly goofy guy and I am so happy to have you as a co-resident.
Thank you for always keeping us residents in mind and supporting us whenever you can!
Imaan, thank you for being an amazing coresident to start R1!
Thanks for being a great chief on the days that you are unfortunately put in those positions to!
Thanks for being a source of support and willing to stand up for us juniors. Your efforts do not go unnoticed!
Ojas, I appreciate you standing up for us and giving things to me straight. I know that you’ll be a great source of support and mentorship going forward for me, and I appreciate you for that
Thank you for always being a source of guidance and support as I transition into residency. It means a lot having someone to rely on and someone I can count on for unsolicited advice and mentorship.
Thank you Tony for being a top-class resident. You truly lead by example and are what I would want to be like as a senior resident. Further, you always take initiative to organize events for our program and initiate group hangouts. Even small things like starting up our resident group chat are all thanks to you!
Thank you for going above and beyond to look after your friends and co-residents. You are truly a rockstar!
Thank you for making Plastic Surgery such an enjoyable experience for me. Even when I was on call and you weren’t, you were always accessible and made the first few months of residency on a new off-service rotation bearable and enjoyable.
Thanks for being very cognizant of my learning opportunities and advocating for me in instances when I did not need to be in hospital vs. when I should be. Had a phenomenal time on Plastic Surgery largely due to you and Victoria.
Sarah has been the most helpful and sweetest person to get to know. She always goes out of her way to make sure you’re okay and brighten someone’s day. She is a great organizer and does her best to make sure to include everyone.
Dr. Wan, thx for being so supportive!! Enjoy :-)
Sunil you are the best senior and huge support for juniors! Thank you for being a kind soul
Shahrukh your hard work does not go unnoticed. You are an excellent friend. Thank you for being you!
Thanks for being an amazing co-resident and making R1 life brighter
Thanks for always being such a supportive and encouraging Sr. resident and friend. You go above and beyond with teaching, always share helpful tips and ensure that all of your co-residents feel welcomed and appreciated. You’re an excellent role model for us impressionable Jr’s! #goals
Shout out to Mark for being a great psych resident and an even better friend! Trust in your knowledge and skills - you’ll get through this :)
Dr. Song, our program is so lucky to have you and we all appreciate how much work you put into planning our social events and retreat! Thank you for being such an amazing friend and co-resident!
Thanks for supporting me through Ortho!! Good work on your trauma rotations, you’re doing great!!
The best sister and co-resident I could ask for!! Good job pushing through tough MTU shifts
Nadia - thanks for being the best co-resident a gal can ask for!! You are supportive, kind, and such an incredible advocate for us as PMR residents
Thanks for being such a huge support on and off the clock. Here’s a little note (that won’t be left in your shoe) to remind you how great you are!
Peter, you are one of the kindest people I have ever met and an irreplaceable friend. I appreciate how fun and open-minded you are, how you’ve tolerated my many questions and rants, and your never-ending willingness to help out a friend. You’ve literally helped me shape my future career! You are an absolute gem, and I can’t wait for our next adventure!
Yiming is a great resident and an even better friend! Thank you for being trustworthy, understanding, and such a fun person to be around :)
Shout out to my co-fellow Ali who stayed late to help me out with a procedure for a sick patient on one of my first call shifts. I don’t think I could have done it without you, and I’m so grateful to have you as a co-fellow!
Minji, you’re the definition of working hard and playing hard! You always put in so much effort, whether to help patients get the best care they can, or to get friends together to have a good time. It doesn’t go unnoticed, thanks for being an awesome co-resident!
Hailey - Sending you all the love during such a difficult rotation. You are the most kind, intelligent, skilled, compassionate and hardworking resident I know. Your patients are SO lucky to have you as their doctor!!
Jamie is an amazing senior! She not only provided us with guidance during our rotation in regards to managing our patients, consults and the follow-up lost, but she also provided us with the emotional support during a busy and stressful rotation. She was always willing to lend an ear, answer all our questions, keep the service organized, and stay late to make sure we all left at a reasonable time. Thank you so much Jamie for being the best senior ever!
Thank you for being genuinely such a nice person. Looking forward to working with you!
Adrian, thanks for all the support you give to your juniors.
You are an embodiment of the canmeds. Compassionate care exemplified!
Jenn is an all-around amazing person. She is always thinking about others and making sure their learning goals and safety are prioritized, and makes sure everyone on the team feels included and their work is appreciated. She is always so positive and in-control, even when the list is super long and everything seems like a bit of a mess. Thanks for being so awesome :)
Thank you for being awesome on call and being a reliable call buddy. Even though you hallucinate PRES sometimes, I still trust your eyes more than mine. It is great fun to work with you.
Dr. Amin is always punctual and always has the right resources on hand to help when outlier situations arise. The best!
Hilary is an amazing resident who is always willing to put in the extra work for her patients. She also carries the resident volleyball team with her serving!
Jess, thanks for being so kind to a very stressed out R1. It made such a difference that day.
Dr. Podgorny is a role model in how attentive she is to her patients, and is always going above and beyond!
Thanks for being such a supportive junior attending!
Julia, you are so hard-working and always have a smile on your face!
Congratulations on your awesome fellowship! You are such a great co-resident and hard worker, we will miss you!
Thank you for the care and attention you show towards your junior learners and patients. You are selfless in your actions and are an inspiration.
Thank you for your attention to resident wellness through organizing our retreat, your dedication to teaching, and your thoughtful and positive attitude towards our work environment. You are an excellent colleague and friend.
Manisha is one of the most compassionate people I know. Even being on night float, she is able to empathize with and support struggling colleagues with grace and respect. She is a phenomenal patient advocate and the kiddos are so lucky to have you as part of their care team!
Jared goes the extra mile for his patients. He also is very knowledgeable about diabetes and diabetes pumps and shares that knowledge with those in his clinic!
JoAnn your hard work and positivity are inspiring! We are all happy to have a friend like you in our circle.
Kahir, thank you for being such a great friend and resident, who will always be there to answer my IM questions, no matter how small! (Not to mention always making sure I don’t get too lost through residency - figuratively and literally!)
Zoya is a testament to what it means to be an excellent resident - her incredible knowledge base coupled with the care she shows to her patients, colleagues, and family is something I aspire to. She is a champion for resident wellness and our conversations are a breath of fresh air. Thank you for everything you do!
You are an amazing R1, that our program is so lucky to have! Thank you for dealing with everything life throws your way with grace - you are a role model for us all!
Thank you for all your hard work at making our services run smoothly, Ryan! Your dedication does not go unnoticed and your patients are so very lucky to have you!
Here is something to help you get through internal - treat yourself to a late night coffee when you’re 5 consults deep. Keep killing it, Dr. O!
I hope this will get you through the long days (and nights!) on ENT. If anyone can do it, it is you :)
You’re always killing it - miss you friend!!
Jon is an incredibly supportive senior resident. He goes above and beyond to make improvements to the residency program for which we’re all thankful!
Lauran is kind, hard working and an overall BOSS! We’re so so glad to have you in our residency group!
Nikki is such a positive addition to our resident group! She is always the first person to offer help and is so patient as she helps her co-residents solve problems. You always make the people around you smile! We appreciate you!!
Hey! This is a friendly reminder that you are doing great sweetie lol :) I think I speak on behalf of everyone when I say we all appreciate what a friendly, caring, helpful genius you are. This has been and will continue to be a tough year but hang in there and take care of yourself
Thanks man for all the help in clinical rotations, royal college studying, helping me move into my new place, and all the laughs along the way.
Thanks for all your hard work and for ensuring your trainees are well supported. You rock!
Dear Jasmin, thank you for being the best senior / pal and for always being there for me and our resident body! Not to mention - going above and beyond for patients like finding 3 different levels of Sudoku puzzles for someone even on the busiest of days :D !!!
Peter is the best medicine resident I know. He is responsible, kind, teaches junior learners with patience and is awesome.
Thank you Rhys for reassuring the medical students on rotation in GIM during your psychiatry C-L rotation. Thank you for being a listening ear, and assuring these students of the importance of their place in the team. You are an amazing model of a resident! Thank you!
Alan truly loves his job! Thanks so much for advocating for your patients and going the extra mile! You are truly meant for Chronic pain medicine!
Christine - I loved working with you in the summer, and hearing the ways you care for and advocate for your patients! I am sure you inspire many kiddos, and that they are blessed by how you listen to them well. All the best :)
Dr. Doan invited me to a house party last weekend. The hosts did not know who I was, but that was very kind of him. Btw he is also a good ortho bro and fixes all of the bones very nicely.
Dr. Ana Sepulveda - you are an AMAZING junior resident. Ana works tirelessly for her patients. She is incredibly hard working, technically skilled in the operating room, an inquisitive learner, and cares deeply for her patients. She is an absolute pleasure to work with and is well on her way to becoming an excellent surgeon!
I am delighted to nominate Ben as my shoutout for PARA’s Paging Kindness. This is in recognition of their extraordinary kindness, unwavering compassion, and unparalleled dedication to their craft. Throughout their residency, Ben has consistently displayed a remarkable ability to connect with patients, providing not only exceptional medical care but also a compassionate and comforting presence. They goes above and beyond to ensure every patient feels valued and cared for. Ben is a shining example of what it means to be a dedicated and compassionate physician, and their commitment to the well-being of patients is truly commendable.
Brandon is an amazing infectious disease fellow and an even better friend!
Ann - I can’t think of someone I would rather be getting through R1 with more than you. Your kindness, thoughtfulness, and dedication to your clinical work is notorious, and inspiring. Everywhere I go, I keep hearing about how much everyone loved Dr. Subota, who came a block ahead of me :). Thanks for being so wonderful and supportive - it’s going to be a great 5 years!!
T, you are always a ray of sunshine that brightens my day! You are someone that is always there to lend a helping hand or an ear to listen. Thank you for being you!
Dara, you are so calm, cool, collected & kind! Thanks for being so amazing, and for all that you do!
Felicia, you’re doing an amazing job in this program. Keep up all the hard work!!
Colton always takes the time to make sure everyone is okay, share a kind word, and teach whenever he can. He is always positive and a light to everyone he comes in contact with
Dear Dr. Wu. Simply being in your presence can make a hard day easier. Clinically, you are a rock star, but also you are just truly an incredible human.
Daphne always tries to help out and make everyone’s lives easier. She is a true gem to work with! :)
Thank you for being an incredibly kind and supportive co-resident! You bring so much positivity and knowledge to the team and I am so grateful that you joined the U of A peds family!
Dear Dr. F, thank you for your being an incredible member of our resident body - for your energy, enthusiasm, sportiness, and intelligence!!!
Dr. Li! Thanks for always making Half days so enjoyable and sharing your snacks! You are awesome!
Dr. Spence: This man has praised me so many times that it is now his turn to receive some praise. Always available to support all of our residents, Chris teaches and practices pediatric cardiology with the utmost professionalism and leadership. He is someone we all look up to and an example as a lead resident.
What sets you apart, Mathieu, is not just your ability to stay positive in the face of adversity but your generous spirit in spreading that positivity to those around you. Your contagious enthusiasm and unwavering optimism have created a culture of support and camaraderie among us. You’ve made it so much easier for all of us to face the challenges of this program with a smile, knowing that we have you by our side. Your positivity, Mathieu, isn’t just an individual trait; it’s a gift that you’ve shared with the entire team. You’ve helped us see that even in the most difficult times, there’s always a silver lining, a reason to stay hopeful, and a way to find joy in what we do. Your attitude is a culture setter, an inspiration, and a testament to the remarkable person you are.
Vincent, I want to give a heartfelt shoutout to you for your unwavering and incredible positivity! In the demanding world of Internal Medicine, where stress and long hours are a constant companion, your sunny disposition shines like a beacon of hope. Your ability to maintain such a positive and calm demeanor amidst the chaos is nothing short of remarkable. We all know that Internal Medicine is a tough program; it’s a demanding path that often leaves us feeling overwhelmed. But with you around, Vincent, the weight of those tough days is significantly lightened. Your optimism and upbeat attitude have the remarkable power to turn even the most challenging situations into manageable and enjoyable experiences.
Brianna works very hard, often behind the scenes. We see you and all your hard work!
Armin is always the first one to offer assistance or support to his colleagues and team. He is the true definition of a team player!
To Dr. M, the queen of the Royal Alex, queen of building patient rapport, and best senior to have on call!
You are the sole catalyst of group hugs. When I will fondly remember residency in the future, these group hugs will be anchoring moments. I think this ability of yours is a real accomplishment as a human being, which matters more in the end.
You shoot from the hip and pin things exactly as they are. You’re sharp, astute, hilarious, and exceptionally thoughtful of patients. You are uplifting to be around and that means your existence is therapeutic. We are lucky to have you.
You are the best psychiatry resident the world has ever seen. Through unshakeable sportsmanship you have humored everyone that has placed you on this psych rotation. You’re insanely capable, competent, warm and humane. It’s a real shame we’re not co-residents. Thank you for being a real one.
You have a big heart. You are selfless when placed in difficult situations. And your instincts prioritize the people around you. It doesn’t go unnoticed. We are lucky to be on the receiving end of your care and thoughts. Please take a turn being on the receiving end of our care with this gift card :)
Wafa - you are the quantum force that keep the atoms of the med psych unit together. Without you, I’m positive the place wouldn’t be standing. You are the backbone, spirit, and heart of this group and that speaks to the enormity of your legacy. You are an exceptional human being and I am forever impacted by our crossing paths.
Thanks for all the support, love and hugs on MTU last block! It truly helped me get through some difficult times
You emanate everything that is calm, cool, and collected. Asides from being exemplary in every sense I can think of, you also keep things light and have a clear focus on what really matters. We are so lucky to have you and continue to be guided by your example.
I still think about our deep conversations a year ago about what really matters. I wanted to let you know that you really matter to us. You are one of the most inspirationally insightful people I have had the honor to meet. Thank you for being a real one.
Sia, you are that kind soul that maintains eye contact and listens even when the group’s attention moved elsewhere. It never goes unnoticed.
Sana - you are the ray of sunshine that keeps everyone’s spirits uplifted. It is a gift to have you in our program.
Talk about an appropriate campaign title for the loveliest person who literally sends pages of positivity to her co-residents! Even after a busy night shift, one can receive a sweet little page wishing them luck on their shift, and reminding them of how amazing of a person they are. Well, here is the reminder for Alyse of just how amazing she is!
To my amazingly supportive, intelligent co-resident who was the best neighbour ever during our rural rotation!!
You are incredible tan tan!!! Your resiliency is so inspiring!! I am in awe of your strength! Any group and patient will be lucky to have you
Sam is always a light of positivity for our group! She goes above and beyond constantly for resident wellness, whether it is keeping the room stocked with snacks, organizing outings for our group, or making things feel festive. Just this week she knitted a Halloween figure to spice up the room for spooky season. Thank you for being the best :)
There are good ships and wood ships, ships that sail the sea, but the best ships are friendships, and may they always be.
Priscilla was my mentor when I started my residency and went above and beyond to help me get settled. She works silently with arranging academic days and weekly academic rounds. She is very approachable and nice to everyone. I appreciate her kindness, help and hard work for academic arrangements to help us learn. Thank you so much Priscilla!
Candace: you are a fantastic physician and human being! You’re super smart, next level kind and you lead by example. Your grit, resilience and brilliance is inspirational. On top of that you’re a super mama! We are so lucky to have you as a colleague!
Dr. McGowan should be commended for taking on challenging rotations with a positive attitude. Despite being insanely busy, she always makes her co-residents a priority. We couldn’t have made it through residency without you!
Dear Hala, your kindness, helpfulness, and frienship has made our residency enjoyable and harmonious. It’s great to have someone like you as a co-resident, and I’m grateful for your presence.
Mary, you are a shining star! Thanks for all of the hard work you do and for being such a genuine friend. It does not go unnoticed :)
Matthieu, thanks for always bringing everyone candies on call! You don’t realize how important sugar is at 3am in the morning :’)
Dr. Gupta! It has honestly been such a blast being your co-resident! You are so fun to hang with and make the half days... well, as tolerable as they can be! Excited for the years ahead!
To my lovely co-lead who has worked incredibly hard towards building resident wellness and single-handedly planning the retreat, and one of the kindest souls, thank you for being awesome. Cheers
Corin is absolutely killing it at her transition to senior rotations! She works hard and is efficient and organized on busy days, and always has a kind, positive energy. She is an amazing co-resident to work with and we are so lucky to have her in our program!
Danielle, thanks for always being such a positive light! Hope you’re having the best time ever up North and can’t wait to hear about it when you’re back! Stay warm girlie, I’m already freezing in Calgary haha XOXO
Hi Brent! We know the road ahead to RC is long but we are confident that you can do it!! A little coffee for morale boosting never hurt anyone... Keep on killing it!

- Your Derm Colleagues
Hi Colton! You are doing a fantastic job in your clinical work and in AHD! Keep killing it and everyone in the Derm Program is here to support you every step of the way. You got this :)
Hey girl! You are doing a fantastic job in your clinical work and in AHD!! Keep your head up high and everyone in the Derm Program is here to support you every step of the way! You got this :)
Kiara’s positive attitude and devotion makes a huge difference in most patients day.
Dr. Brett has helped out a co-resident in need countless times. She has endless compassion and consistently goes above and beyond to assist her colleagues and ensures a positive and efficient work environment. I believe Dr. Brett truly deserves recognition for her exceptional support!
Aleeza is such a wonderful co-resident, friend, and physician. She shows up every day ready to listen, support, and empathize. She provides excellent clinical care as a consequence of this. Additionally, she is always present for colleagues and friends, and to help us navigate the challenges of residency. She has personally helped me work through challenging times and emotions.
THANK YOU Aleeza! We are all so lucky to have you.
Eric is one of our co-chief residents and puts in a ton of time and effort, despite not receiving any compensation for this extra work - such a generous and valuable contribution to our cohort. Thanks Eric!
Dear Emily, your commitment, enthusiasm, and passion for your work is outstanding. You are a model for all of us in striving to be our very best every day!
Matt! Thank you for being a great role model and mentor to all your juniors!
Dr. Ignacio is currently completing her stroke fellowship in Calgary AND a Master of Science. She often attends class post-call, or starts call immediately after attending lectures. Despite this, she has made a positive impression on her co-residents, and co-students. She exemplifies humility, kindness, supporting others and creating community. Thank you Katha!
Brodie is an absolutely phenomenal team member. Picks great OR music. Never tell me I’m too slow putting the patients to sleep. Always asks how much local to use. Big fan!
Dr Norris is always working hard to make her patients feel safe, even in the most stressful situations!
Dr. Crawford, you are are a shining light of positivity in my life! Thank you for your hospitality while I was away on elective!
I’m glad we met, Faisal :) You keep the vibe fun and all of us sane. You’re wise beyond your years!
Dr. Aman Gill, you are an absolute ray of sunshine! You bring the most incredible energy to your work, patients and your team! I genuinely look forward to every day I have the privilege of working with you!
Ojas is such a caring and kind resident, and he extends this positivity to his peers, colleagues, patients, staff, friends + family. He creates the most amazing and welcoming environment around him, and you need people like him in your corner to help you through those harder days. Thank you Ojas for being an awesome person!
Kevin, you make every team better to work on :) Thanks for all the laughs and for just straight up being awesome.
Angela is a ray of sunshine everywhere she goes and spreads positivity around her. She is an amazing colleague who genuinely cares about everyone around her and I know there is good karma in store for her :)
Dr. Amatto is the absolute best! She is incredibly hard working, kind and extremely knowledgeable! She always goes to great lengths for her patients and is an excellent teacher to learners! She just finished a busy week of call and rocked it!
To my lovely co-resident who works so hard to build community and connectivity! You are the glue that holds us all together and we are so much better because of you!
Your dedication to patients, hard work, and friendliness is unmatched and appreciated by patients, staff, and allied health alike. Keep up the excellent work, but remember to take time to care for yourself too!
Alex! You are an absolute ray of sunshine - even when you’re not feeling your best, you are always thinking of others. Alex is known for literally "paging" positivity- by sending anonymous encouraging pages to his colleagues. Thank-you for all that you do to keep up resident morale.
To the PARA team: You guys are just the best team ever. Thanks for making my work days so great. No need for a gift card, just thought y’all deserved a shout-out.
Dr. Aman Gill, you are an absolute ray of sunshine! You bring the most incredible energy to your work, patients, and your team! I genuinely look forward to every day I have the privilege of working with you!
Dr. Reda is an amazing colleague who brings positivity and laughter to every shift. She is hardworking and knowledgeable and her patients are lucky to have her.
Hunter - you’ve been going above and beyond as Chief this year, and as a senior resident. We see you putting in those extra hours and doing it with grace. Your patients and colleagues are so blessed by your hard work!
Dr. Chan’s upbeat energy and enthusiasm is contagious amongst our resident group. She is such a supportive colleague who alway is willing to go the extra mile to help her friends out. Thank you for making residency more enjoyable!
Re: Dr. Huo - Clinical ability and snack-eating abilities both 10/10
Helen is a great teacher of medical students and clerks! As a FMOB enhanced skills resident, she always makes sure to get students involved in procedures, deliveries and demonstrating hands on skills in simulations.
Brian: Great co-resident, 10/10 would recommend
Dr. Lafreniere - you’re a strong, inspiring senior and bring out the best in your co-residents. Grateful for you!
Bryan, keep flexing those Sharp Surgical Skillz!
Patricia always has a smile on her face and is always willing to help her colleagues. She has been so wonderful in welcoming all of the PGY1s to the psychiatry program.
Dr. Brett, you are amazing! Keep pushing glass and peering at the tiniest cellular abnormalities: although you guys seldom capture the limelight, your hard-won expertise will have a profoundly transformative impact on innumerable patients for decades to come
Marissa displayed kindness and team work by offering to cover resident call shifts when others were not feeling well or she thought they could benefit from some time away (WELLNESS)..
Dr. Krzyzaniak goes above and beyond for her patients and her resident colleagues. Thanks for making everyone’s day brighter!
You got this! Thanks for always keeping our group on track, Dr. Ghuttora!
Atoosa is FANTASTIC! She is hardworking and responsible. She is kind and caring, always there to support you when you need!
I know how insane the ACESS service can be at FMC. You are incredibly hard-working and took excellent care of patients. We all appreciate what you do and keep up the good work! There is still 3 blocks left but I know you can do it! Don’t forget to take care of yourself l!
Tania is a fantastic and lovely person. She is kind and caring. She is great to work with!
Dr. Sachedina, thank you for always making study group meetings so fun!
Jess is the kindest and hardest working resident I know! She goes above and beyond to care for her patients and is so passionate. Keep smiling and keep your head up! Your hard work doesn’t go unnoticed. On top of that, she’s an amazing friend!
Dr. Samnani, love having you in the study group, so hard working, we got this!
Dr. Ha - you are a shining star! Thanks for being a great colleague and keep up the great work :)
Hey off-service girl, doing a fantastic job on GIM!!
Girl you rocking the triple coverage on GIM!
Dr. Sloychuk, you are a ray of light shining through any darkness! You know exactly what to say to help me get through a tough situation and are always there for me - thank you! Keep sparkling!
Mark goes above and beyond for his co residents each and every day. He’s constantly helping his peers and staff in our program with how to work zoom and how to manipulate excel during our study group. He sends out resources he’s found constantly (even resending them when some of us lose them or can’t find the email). He creates schedules and motivates our entire year to keep on track with studying. He’s also insanely smart and uses his knowledge every day to make so many patients’ lives better. I am so appreciative that we all have a co-resident like him :)
Dr. Dwyer, thanks for always looking out for your juniors and for keeping all our common spaces so tidy and organized!
Marissa is hardworking and kind! She is a great team player and always willing to take on more responsibility!
Dr. Cirone always finds the positive side of even the most grueling rotations and gives us all hope that we can make it through! She is always a great reminder to look on the bright side.
Dr. Heath - keep up the good work girlie! You got this!
Dr. Kriegler, you do so much for our program. Know that your contributions don’t go unnoticed!
Dr. Fleshner is always ready with a smile and a sly comment to brighten your day. Thanks for being awesome!
Dr. Parmar, the hardest-working resident I know. Thanks for keeping snacks handy and always giving us a push to be better!
Dr. Moore - you are amazing. Not only are you amazing at work, but you are an incredible dad too. Balancing both can be hard, and you are doing a great job.
Dear Amy, thank you for all the hard work that you are doing and your devotion to your craft!!! The whole resident body appreciates you!
Huge shoutout to our new leads (Nik & Travis) who stepped up in a big way after some changes to our schedules made us unexpectedly short staffed. All on top of doing an excellent job as clinicians. Thank you for all your hard work!
Thanks for using that expansive GIM brain in answering all my questions, Dr. Vo!
Dr. M. is the hardest-working junior urologist on the block.
Dr. McKenzie, you are such a burst of positivity and joy to work with! You make everyone around you feel very appreciated and supported. You are a fantastic physician and team leader. You are the type of physician that I strive to be like one day.
Sarah is the most supportive friend and colleague! She is always there to listen and lift up everyone around her! She is so dedicated to caring and advocating for her patients - they are incredibly lucky to have her around!
Dr. Woo, thanks for the top-notch introduction to call, and let’s be honest, for keeping the team afloat!
Keep up the great work co-res!
Dr. Genereux, you always work so hard to make a positive impact on both your patients and colleagues!
Dr. Leslie, you always work so hard to make a positive impact on both your patients and colleagues!
Dr. Taylor is one of the hardest-working and kindest residents! Definitely deserves a treat.
Dr. MacVicar, even when we’re not working directly together, you’re always prepared with a kind word and similar story helping your co-residents get by. Keep trucking up in Grande Prairie!